Li(礼)is a general term for social norms which regulate an individual’s
relationship with other people, everything else in nature, and even
ghosts and spirits. By setting various regulations about ceremonial
vessels,rituals,and systems,rites define an individual’s specific
status and corresponding duty and power, thereby differentiating
between people ina community in terms of age, kinship, and social
status. With such differentiations, the rites determine the proper
position of each individual, thus achieving harmony among human
beings, and between humanity and everything else in nature.
引例 Citations:
Rites are the rules governing the movement of heaven and
earth as well as code of conduct for the people.
(Zuo’s Commentary on The SpringandAutumnAnnals)
Rites are the basis for determining proper human relations,
clarifying ambiguities,differentiating between things, and telling
rightfrom wrong. (TheBookofRites)
Make harmony a top priority in the application of rites.
That is a key feature that characterizes governance by sovereign
rulers in ancient past. Always act upon the rule of harmony,
no matter whether the issue at hand is minor or major.
Sometimes, however,this rule may fail to work. If one insists on
seeking harmony just for the sake of harmony instead of qualifying
it with rites, then there will be no hope to succeed. (The Analects)
礼/lǐ/Li(Rites / Social Norms / Propriety)