早在1976年,美国汉学家柯睿(Paul W. Kroll)在其博士学位论文(“Portraits of Ts’ao Ts’ao: Literary Studies on the Man and the Myth”)中就将该诗翻译成了英文,最新的则有美国华裔学者吴伏生译本(和英国诗人Graham Hartill合作,收入商务印书馆2016年版《三曹诗选英译》)以及国内专家赵彦春译本(收入外文出版社2016年版《曹操诗集》)。为了便于进行对比,现将三份译文抄录如下:
柯睿:Ah in the Han’s two-and-twentieth generation— / The one charged with office truly was unwor⁃thy. / A washed monkey—capped and sashed, / Whose knowledge was little,whose schemes were great. / Timid and timorous he dared not decide,
/ Hence,hunted and held were sovereign and prince. / A rainbow of white did piece the sun, / Even he himself was
first to suffer death. / A ravening vassal then grasped the handle of state, / Slew his master and ravaged the
heaven-vaulted capital. / Heedless he overturned the im⁃perial base and legacy,/ And thus the an⁃cestral temples were fired
and destroyed./ Displaced and driven forth, sent west⁃ward and moved, / The people wailed and sniveled—but marched forward. / —Beholding those suburbs of the City of Lo, / The Count of Wei is mournful and stricken.
吴 伏 生:During the twenty-second reign of the Han Dynasty, / wicked peo⁃ple were given power; / they were mon⁃keys, wearing belts and hats,
/ making great plans with their little minds. /They were hesitant, having no outrage to act, / so the monarch was
taken on an imperial outing. / A white rainbow spread across the sun, / they too soon met their own disaster.
/ A traitorous minister took the nation’s power; / he killed the monarch and laid waste the capital, / he ruined the imperial cause and its foundation,
/ he burned the ances⁃tral temple down to the ground. / Peo⁃ple were forced into exile in the west, /weeping,
wailing as they moved along. /I gaze at the outer city of our capital Luoyang, / I grieve and lament, like Weizi,
in times gone by.
赵 彦 春:The Twenty-second reign of Han, / In position was a poor man./ Like a monkey in cap and band, / He was weak but had a high hand.
/ His coup failed in hesitation, / Our Lord was held in subjection. / The white rain⁃bow across the sun,
/ This man was killed, a tragic one. / Dong Zhuo, abus⁃ing power, swayed, / Robbed the capi⁃tal, our lord slayed!
/ The Lord’s regime
he overturned, / And the lineage temples he burned. / He moved the capital to West; / The folks crying, depressed,
op⁃pressed. /looking back at the ruined town, / Like Wei, I feel sad, badly down.
《薤露行》前半部分写何进谋诛宦官的灾难性决策,后半部分则描述了董卓所造成的巨大混乱,正如清代评论家沈德潜所说,“此指何进召董卓事,汉末实录也”(《古诗源》卷五)。灵帝所任用的大将军何进智短虑浅,设计欲诛宦官,结果反被宦官所杀。从这个意义上来说“所任诚不良”是指何进,柯译、赵译用单数The one charged with office、In position was a poor man比吴译用复数wicked people 显然更好。但还有一种理解认为,从“沐猴而冠带”起才是说何进,“所任诚不良”是“指东汉后期外戚与宦官彼此争斗,朝中大臣也各谋私利”(刘跃进《建安诗选》)。换句话说,“不良”的不只是何进一个人,而是一批官员,是他们共同造成了汉末的混乱局面。
目前法语世界唯一的曹操诗歌全译本(Les Poèmes de Cao Cao,2000年法兰西学院出版)出自著名汉学家桀溺(Jean-Pierre Diény)。他将《薤露行》前两句译为Sous le règne de Han le vingt-deuxième, /Le personnel vraiment ne valait rien。Lepersonnel是集合名词,意味着出了问题的是汉末的整个人事制度,而不是某个人。但从下面“沐猴而冠带”起,桀溺改用单数un singe,表明何进犹豫不决所造成的恶果,以至自身难保——“己亦先受殃”,而吴伏生则坚持使用复数they,显然不愿意让何进单独承担后果,但这与原诗的意思相去较远。从“己亦先受殃”看去,完全是专指何进;“所任诚不良”固然可能指一批人,恐怕也以指何进为宜。柯译、赵译均用单数是更好的选择。
“沐猴而冠带”是一句骂楚人的话,出自《史记·项羽本纪》:“人言楚人沐猴而冠耳”。楚人称猕猴为沐猴,所以翻译成monkey 或 singe 都是没有问题的,柯译washed monkey有望文生义之嫌。
另外,三位译者在翻译首句时都使用了“卄二世”(二十二世)这个版本(如《宋书· 乐志》收录者),另外一个版本是“二十世”(如《诗纪》卷十一收录者)。《乐府正义》云:“考世系当从《宋志》,但全诗五言句,作‘二十世’者亦举成数,未为不可也。”黄节《魏武帝诗注》云:“按石经,凡经传中二十字皆作卄,然则此诗‘二十二世’,当作‘卄二世’也。”关于“卄二世”,黄节有更为详细的说明:“前汉高、惠、文、景、武、昭、宣、元、成、哀、平,后汉光武、明、章、和、殇、安、顺、冲、质、桓、灵,为二十二世。此篇作于汉献时,故不数献帝也。”
如果说三位译者就诗的前半部分是否专写何进的问题还存在异议的话,后半部分关于董卓则完全意见一致了。无论是A ravening vassal,还是A traitorous minister,都是指这个祸国殃民的乱臣贼子。赵译更是直接指名道姓。
最后需要讨论的是“瞻彼洛城郭,微子为哀伤”。柯睿把这句的主语理解为“微子”,而吴、赵则认为是曹操,也就是诗人“我”(I gaze at the outer city of our capi⁃
tal Luoyang;I feel sad)。从上下文来看,后者应该更符合诗的原意。面对董卓迁都西京前焚毁洛阳留下的一片废墟,曹操除了愤怒的谴责之外,更感受到了一种深深的哀思——大汉王朝已经到了穷途末路,这种哀伤就像当年微子经过殷墟时的感觉一样。根据《史记·宋微子世家》,朝周途中过故殷墟的是箕子:“感宫室毁坏,生禾黍,箕子伤之,欲哭则不可,欲泣为其近妇人,乃作麦秀之诗,以歌咏之。”但《尚书大传》认为《麦秀歌》是微子所作。但无论是箕子,还是微子,子是他们的爵位,而不是名字(微子名启),所以译成Count of Wei比Weizi 或Wei更好。
柯睿:East of the Pass there were righteous men, / Who raised up troops to chasten the swarming caitiffs./ In the beginning
term at Covenant Ford they gathered, / While all their hearts rested in Hsien-yang./ Their armies allied but their strength was not uniform, / Waver⁃ing, havering—a column of wild geese. /Power and profit brought on strife among men, / And descendants, in a twinkling,clashed
freely with each other./ In Huai-nan a junior brother pro⁃claimed a title, / While in the northern quadrant a signet was graven. / Mail and armor bred
nits and lice, / A myriad sur⁃names thereupon dead and gone. /Bleached bones lie exposed in the wilds,
/ A thousand li with no cock’s crow. /Of a hundred living people, one remains,/ Brooding on it rends one’s bowels.
吴 伏 生:East of Hangu Pass arose the righteous heroes, / they raised troops to attack the wicked. / At first they agreed to
gather at Mengjin, / but their hearts went out to the capital, Xianyang./ The troops gathered, but their strength
was not unified, / in hesitation, they moved in geese formation. / Ambition causes struggle in people, / soon they
be⁃gan to slaughter each other. / The younger Yuan declared himself emperor south of the Huai, / his brother
the imperial seal in the north. / Fleas breed inside the soldier’s armor, / com⁃mon folks die in tens of thousands; /their bones laid bare in the wilderness, /
within ten thousand li no rooster crows./One in a hundred is all that survives for the common folk. / My heart is
bro⁃ken by the thought.
许渊冲:East of the Pass there’re he⁃roes brave and bright, / They rose in arms against the worst man of all. /They formed alliance first on River’s right / And joined their force to take the capital. / But they were not united with might and main, / So like wild
geese they straggled all about. / They fought each other for power or gain, /And tried to kill each other and fell
out./ The self-styled monarch rules the southern shore; / The royal seal is carved on northern land. / Men long in arms grow lousy
more and more; /Countless people die when they cannot stand. / Afield lie bones of those who lost their lives;
/ For
miles and miles no cock is heard to crow. / Among a hun⁃dred people one survives; / My heart would break on
of the woe.
赵彦春:There rose men righteous in the east, / Who would the rebellion crush down. / First gathered they for Al⁃lies Feast,
/ Each with his heart set for the crown. / As they had no real com⁃mon end, / They went like wild goose,very slow.
/ Greed or weal drove them to contend; / Each would deal each a deadly blow. / One lord presumed to own the throne;
/ The oth’r kept the Imperial Seal. / The soldiers had lice, to death prone; / The folks died or suffered a great deal. / White
bones are bare the land upon; / For hundreds of miles no cocks cry. / Of five score folks survives but one;
/ At this I heave a long, long sigh!
先看“关东”,指函谷关(今河南灵宝市西南)以东,包括河南、山东等地。柯译、许译East of the Pass是可以的,吴译East of Hangu Pass则更精确,赵译in the east 过于宽泛,不够妥当。再看“初期会盟津,乃心在咸阳”,前一句借用武王伐纣的典故,说明讨伐董卓的各路人马结成联盟,后一句借用刘邦、项羽攻入咸阳的典故,表达盟军要推翻董卓统治的决心。盟津是地名,就是孟津(今河南孟州市南,古黄河渡口),当年武王伐纣与各路诸侯结盟就是在这里。吴译Mengjin取声音,柯译Covenant Ford取意思(就像中国人把Oxford翻译成牛津,而不是厄思佛),许译、赵译则采用释义的方法,相比而言,许译更贴近原文(They formed alliance first on River’s right / And joined their force to take the capital),赵译则有所偏离,特别是后一句Each with his heart set for the crown,各打各的算盘,甚至觊觎皇位是后来的事情,也是曹操下面要写的(所谓“军合力不齐”)。但起初各路讨伐大军是有共同目标的,就是要讨伐董卓,恢复汉室(许译所谓joined their force to take the capital),如果一上来就各怀鬼胎,哪里还能有“会盟津”“军合”这回事呢?
“军合”是指各路军队同时而起,会合围攻。一旦心力不齐,就出现了“踌躇而雁行”的局面。“踌躇,犹豫不前。雁行,就像大雁飞行的行列,谁也不愿意出头。这里用雁行,比喻讨伐董卓的各路军队列阵观望,不愿齐心协力,冲锋陷阵。”(刘跃进《建安诗选》)根据这样的理解看上面四则译文,虽然意思都表达出来了,但吴译in hesi⁃tation, they moved in geese formation更为贴切自然。“势利使人争,嗣还自相戕”中的“嗣还”是“随即”的意思。许译、赵译都没有表达出来,吴译soon是相当准确的,柯译 descendants, in a twinkling,clashed freely with each other将“嗣”理解为后嗣(descendants),属于望文生义。
“淮南弟称号,刻玺于北方”这句一向有歧义,称号的是淮南弟,刻玺的是否也是他? 还是另有其人? 最新的标准解释是这样的:“淮南弟,指袁绍的从弟袁术。称号,即称帝。建安二年(197)正月,袁术在淮南
寿春(今安徽寿县)称帝,号仲家。刻玺,刻皇帝用的印章。北方,指袁绍的势力范围。袁绍屯兵河内(今河南武陟县西南),所以称北方。汉献帝刘 协初平 元 年(190),袁绍与韩馥图谋,废黜汉献帝,谋立刘虞为帝,曹操特作《答袁绍》表示异议。”(刘跃进《建安诗选》)根据这个解释,我们知道上句是讲袁术,下句讲袁绍,以此来看上面四个译本,虽然都做了区分,但吴译把两个人物的关系表达得最为清晰:The younger Yuan…his brother…赵译One lord…The oth’r…失之泛泛,不知道僭越和图谋不轨的是哪两个诸侯。另外赵用kept the Imperial Seal来翻译“刻玺”也不够准确,其他三家用grave或carve是更好的选择。
曹操最为人熟知的自然还是四言诗,如“对酒当歌,人生几何”(《短歌行》)、“老骥伏枥,志在千里”(《龟虽寿》)。柯睿在博士论文中指出,曹操的五言诗虽然取得了很高的成就,但不少时候还没有摆脱四言诗的影响。以《薤露行》的前四句“惟汉卄二世,所任诚不良。沐猴而冠带,知小而谋强”为例,其中的“诚”和两个“而”其实都是可有可无的感叹和连接,属于衬字(filler words)。五言诗要到建安七子,以及曹植的手中才真正成熟。
柯睿在翻译《薤露行》和《蒿里行》时联想到了《为威尼斯共和国覆亡而作》(“On the Extinction of the Venetian Repub⁃lic”),这首著名的十四行诗出自英国浪漫主义代表人物华兹华斯(William Word⁃sworth):Once did She hold the gorgeous east in fee; / And was the safeguard of the west: the worth / Of Venice did not fall
below her birth, / Venice, the el⁃dest Child of Liberty./ She was a maid⁃en City, bright and free; / No guile
se⁃duced, no force could violate;/ And,when she took unto herself a Mate, /She must espouse the everlasting Sea.
/And what if she had seen those glories fade, / Those titles vanish, and that strength decay; / Yet shall some
tribute of regret be paid / When her long life hath reached its final day: / Men are we, and must grieve when even
the Shade / Of that which once was great is passed away.
威尼斯共和国建立于7世纪末叶,后来国势日盛,称雄于地中海,成为欧亚大陆之间的商业中心,但不幸于1797年被入侵的拿破仑军队所灭。华兹华斯的诗写于1802年,对这个存在了千年之久的共和国表达了无尽的惋惜和哀思。该诗曾多次被翻译成中文,杨德豫译本(外语教学与研究出版社,《华兹华斯诗选》)堪称经典:“锦绣东方曾一度归她主宰;/ 西方也靠她卫护,受她庇荫;/ 威尼斯的声价无愧于她的身份—— / 她原是 自由女神的第 一 个 婴孩。/ 贞淑如处女,明艳而从容自在,/ 阴谋和暴力都对她丝毫无损;/ 当她有意为自己找一个情人,/ 她便选中了万古如斯的大海。/ 后来呢,她权势衰颓,荣华枯槁,/ 尊严沦落——这等事本属寻常;/ 而当她悠长的生命终于不保,/ 我们却难免别有一番惆怅:/ 我们是凡人,不能不伤感,当看到 / 昔日的庞然大物,连影子也消亡。”