风雅颂/fēng-yǎ-sòng/Ballad, Court Hymn, and Eulogy
InThe BookofSongs,the content is divided into three categories according to style and tune: feng (ballad), ya (court hymn), and song (eulogy). Ballads are music from different regions, mostly folk songs. Court hymns, divided into daya(major hymn) and xiaoya (minor hymn),are songs sung at court banquets or grand ceremonies. They are mostly the
works by lettered noblemen. Eulogies are ritual or sacrificial dance music and songs, most of which praise the achieve-ments of ancestors. Court hymns and eulogies are highbrow songs while ballads are lowbrow ones. Therefore, ballads,court hymns, and eulogies not only refer to the styles of The BookofSongs but also classify the songs into highbrow and lowbrow categories. Later on fengya(风雅)generally referred to anything elegant.
引例 Citations:◎故《诗》有六义焉:一曰风,二曰赋,三曰比,四曰兴,五曰雅,六曰颂。(《毛诗序》)
Therefore The Book ofSongs has six basic elements: ballads, narratives, anal-ogies, associations, court hymns, and eulo-gies.(Introductions to Mao’s Version of TheBookofSongs)
The three“longitudes”of The BookofSongs refer to narrative, analo-gy, and association, which serve as the frame of a poem. Without these, they could not be called poems. If narrative is not used in a poem, analogy must be used; if analogy is not used, associationmust be employed. Ballads from the states, court hymns, and eulogies play a connecting role in the poems. Since the poems have narrative, analogy, and
association serving as the“longitudes,”
balladsfrom the states, court hymns, and
eulogies are therefore called the three
“latitudes.”(Classified Conversations of
Theseare the three ways of expres-sion employed in The BookofSongs:a narrative is a direct reference to an ob-ject or an event, an analogy metaphori-cally likens one thing to another, and an association is an impromptu expression ofa feeling, a mood or a thought, or using an objective thing as metaphor for sensi-bilities. Confucian scholars of the Han Dynasty summarized and formulated this concept of narrative, analogy, and associa-tion, which later became the basic princi-ple and method in classical Chinese liter-ary creation.
引例 Citation:◎赋、比、兴是《诗》之所用,风、雅、颂是《诗》之成形。(《毛诗序》孔颖达正义)
In The Book of Songs,narrative,analogy, and association are three tech-niques in its creation, whereas ballad,court hymn, and eulogy represent three established styles of the poems. (Kong Yingda: Correct Meaning of“Introduc-tions to Mao’s Version ofThe Bookof Songs”)