/cānglǐn shí ér zhī lǐjié/
When the Granaries Are Full,the People Follow Appropriate Rules
of Conduct.
Thefull quote from Guanzi reads:“When the granaries are full,
the people follow appropriate rules of conduct, and when there is
enough to eat and wear, the people know honor and shame.
”Here“granaries”and“eat and wear”mean the material conditions
of life, while“rules of conduct”and“honor and shame”represent the
social and moral principles of a society, as well as the systems and
spiritual culture that underpin it. The quote highlights the
relationship between material life and morality,that is to say, the
former is the basis for the latter, and morality and social norms are
the product of a certain degree of material development. Without
the basic assurances for life, the best systems will not be followed,
and the moral standards of the people will remain low. At all times,
governance should focus first on improving the material conditions
of a society. This is a very practical concept of state governance.
引例 Citations:
So Guanzi said,“When the granaries are full, the people follow
appropriate rules of conduct, and when there is enough to eat and
wear, the people know honor and shame.”Proper social norms
emerge from sufficient conditions for life, and disappear when
conditions are absent. That is why when people of high status
become wealthy, they will widely advocate moral standards, and
when ordinary people become wealthy they will behave in a moral
way according to their means. Where the water is deep, fish will
congregate; where the mountains are vast,wild animals will gather;
when people are well off, a society of compassion and righteousness
will appear.(Recordsofthe Historian)
◎管子曰:“仓廪实而知礼节。”民不足而可治者,自古及今,未之尝闻。……夫积贮者,天下之大命也。苟粟多而财有余,何为而不成? 以攻则取,以守则固,以战则胜。怀敌附远,何招而不至? (贾谊《论积贮疏》,见《汉书·食货志》)
(管仲说:“粮仓充实了,人们才能懂得礼节。”百姓的基本生活条件不足而能治理得很好,从古到今,还没听说过。……积蓄财物、贮存粮食是关系国计民生的大事。如果粮食多了、财富充裕了,那干什么事不能成功呢? 用来进攻则攻无不取,用来防守则固若金汤,用来作战则无往而不胜。招抚敌方、远方的人归顺,谁会不来呢?)
Guanzi said,“When the granaries are full, the people follow
appropriate rules of conduct.” From time immemorial,no one has
ever heard of successful governance when the people do not have
enough to live on... Sufficient wealth and stores of grain are vital
to the national economy and people’s livelihood. What cannot be
accomplished when granaries are stocked and coffers are full?
Such a ruler will be victorious in offense,impregnable in defense,
and invincible in war. To such a ruler,who would not come in
submission, whether in surrender or through amnesty?
(Jia Yi: Memorial on Accumulation in Agriculture)