现代化极强的立陶宛却拥有着丰厚的历史沉淀,波罗的海有让人印象深刻的旅游名胜、这里还有经过艺术性重建的老城、中世纪城堡,未被污染的自然环境和丰富的文化生活,2015年立陶宛被Lonely Planet评为世界最佳旅游国家。
立陶宛(Lithuania),这个波罗的海边的国家历史上曾经很是风光过一阵子,在13世纪时曾成为中欧的头等大国。而今,走进现代的立陶宛也不甘落后。近年来,它重视发展科学技术,政府采用建设高新技术园和集群的方式为科研创造条件,重点发展生物技术、通信、激光和医疗设备等。而当地居民中超过30%的人拥有高学历的这一特征,已当属欧洲第一位。几乎每一个立陶宛人都会一门外语,他们的生活也非常现代化,对网络、手机等现代通信的利用居欧盟前 列。
维陶塔斯·马格纳斯大学(Vytautas Magnus University)成立于1922年,欧洲百年名校之一,位于立陶宛第二大城市考纳斯市(Kaunas),是一所规模较大的公立研究型综合大学。考纳斯市是一座快速发展的现代化城市,距离首都维尔纽斯(Vilnius)只有100公里的距离,这里拥有丰富的学术沃土,学生占城市人口的四分之 一。
大学为国际学生提供多样化的课程选择,提高学生的创新能力和个人表达能力。 “我们拥有包括政治科学和外交、经济和管 理、社会科学、自然科学、法律、艺术等在内的10个学院,超过50个本科学位和60个 硕士学位。”维陶塔斯·马格纳斯大学校长Prof. Juozas Augutis 在接受《留学》记者采访时介绍说。维陶塔斯·马格纳斯大学的课程几乎全部由立陶宛 语、英语和俄语同时教授,学生无需担心语 言不通的问题。
为了进一步扩宽学生的知识面和提高就业能力,维陶塔斯·马格纳斯大学还提供涉及物理、环境、能源、商科和艺术在内的跨学科学位,引进独特的Arts Liberales 系统,让学生更加灵活地选择课程;并与立陶宛能源研究所和当地企业建立起超过500多个项目的密切合作,相关专业的毕业生就业率高达95%并顺利获得高薪职 位。
Study in Lithuania :
Not a minority language country ,
a variety of languages can be switched at any time
Although Lithuania is extremely modern, it has a rich historical precipitation. There are impressive tourist attractions, old city through the art reconstruction, medieval castles, unspoiled natural environment and rich cultural life in the Baltic Sea. In 2015,Lithuania was evaluated as the world's the 3rd best tourist country by Lonely Planet.
A country scenery is beautiful
Studying here is high cost-effective
Lithuania, the country on the Baltic Sea, had a great history. It used to be a top country in central Europe in the 14-15th century, Lithuania is unwilling to lag behind in modern time. In recent years, it attached importance to the development of science and technology. The government has created conditions for scientific research by constructing high-tech parks and clusters. The emphasis of development is on biotechnology, IT development, communications, lasers and medical equipment. Lithuania is the 4th country in the European Union in terms of the people with higher education and has 98,8% literacy rate. Nearly all Lithuanians can speak at least one foreign language, which most likely be English, Russian, German or Polish. Their lives are also very modernized: Lithuanians use the fastest public Wi-Fi in the world (according 2016 data), has modern communication, convenient public transport system and green spaces. As we all know, European art is world-class, especially oil painting. Street entertainers can be seen everywhere in the country of Lithuania. They are selling their own works. Most of the painting prices are between 30Eur and 90 Eur. A larger work is more expensive, but generally not more than 200 Euros. When walking in the streets of Lithuania, it is possible to meet some local well-known artists.
Except for strong cultural atmosphere, courteous service, rich artistic air, studying in Lithuanian also has the advantages of lower cost, visa in Schengen zone, recognition of diploma in all Europe and in China since 2015. Lithuania's overall price level is lower than Beijing’s, Shanghai’s, Guangdong’s. The cost of studying abroad is less than one-third of the Britain and America’s. The annual tuition and living expenses are about RMB 60,000. Students can find a part time jobs or work in the holidays to subsidize living expenses and reduce the burden on their family.
Lithuania belongs to the European Union and Schengen zone. Students can freely travel in Schengen treaty countries including France, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Poland and so on. Students can continue studying in Lithuania, while being full time students, they can go study in other EU country, like Denmark, UK, Italy, the Netherlands or even go for a bilateral exchange programs to USA, Canada. After the graduation, students can get job offers in companies located inside or outside the country.
One of the best international universities
95%students with good salary
Vytautas Magnus University (VMU), established in 1922, is one of the most liberal and modern academic public Institutions, which follows the academic principles of Harvard University, and is located in Kaunas, the second largest city in Lithuania. Kaunas is a fast-growing modern city, rich in academic life with students making up more than one quarter of the city population, which has only 100km distance separating Kaunas from the capital city Vilnius.
The Vytautas Magnus University provides multiple choices of broad learning in various fields, opens horizons for creativity and expressions of personality. “We have 10 faculties, over 50 Bachelor’s and 60 Master’s Degree programmes, including Political Science and Diplomacy, Economics and Management, Social Sciences, Law and Arts, and others.” Mr. Juozas Augutis , the rector of the VMU, has told to the journalist of Studying Abroad Magazine. In the VMU, most of the programs are being taught in Lithuanian, English or even Russian ‡ this creates comfortable study environment for all international students and they do not need to worry about the language barriers.
To improve students’ employability, VMU runs some multidisciplinary projects involving physics, environmental sciences, business and energy disciplines. 95% graduates of related majors are employed after graduation with good salaries. Besides, VMU follows unique Artes Liberales system, which allows the flexibility for students’ study program combination.
VMU is recognized as one of the best international universities, which has multicultural environment with more than 500 students from over 50 nationalities. It is notable, that Erasmus Student Network VMU is part of the largest international student organization in Europe, where students clubs support more than 20 various groups of interest. Annually, VMU organizes festivals such as Jazz Connections, Spring Festival, Media Days, etc., This university creates friendly atmosphere in which you can feel the spirit of Lithuania and be in very international environment at the same time, which attracts bigger attention of foreign students each year, who are really happy to and live in Lithuania.